Surgical Hair Loss Treatments for Men

Mane Image has partnered with PAI Medical Group to elevate surgical hair restoration for men. Widely regarded as one of the most efficient solutions for thinning hair, it offers a painless, efficient, and safe approach. Mane Image performs these procedures onsite, with a certified PAI surgeon, guaranteeing a professional and comfortable setting.

Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatments for Men

At Mane Image, we take an individualized approach to what we do; before choosing a treatment, we will conduct a thorough scalp evaluation, and talk through some different options to address hair restoration. No matter the stage of your hair loss, it can be treated; the first step is simply coming by for a complimentary consultation.


Hair Loss Prevention & Regrowth

Hair loss does not have to be inevitable. Though the causes can vary, hair loss is often preventable. At the very least, its progress can be stalled and minimized. At Mane Image Hair Replacement Center, we provide a number of means by which our clients can keep their hair from thinning, and even to regrow some of what’s been lost.

Causes of Men's Hair Loss

The most common cause of men’s hair loss is due to genetics. It’s known as androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, and it accounts for an estimated 90 to 95 percent of hair loss in men. While this hereditary hair loss is by far the most common, there are other potential causes of male balding. The important thing to note is that, though the cause of men’s hair loss may vary, there are always solutions for hair restoration.


Do you have questions about hair loss or about the different options available for hair restoration? To help you get answers quickly, we’ve assembled a list of frequently asked questions.

faqs at mane image

Get a Free Consultation

Everyone's hair loss is unique; it’s critical that your hair loss solution is customized to address your specific needs. Whether you want to stop your hair loss, regrow your hair, or add volume to your existing hair, we have options for you. It all starts with a free consultation.

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