What Is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair transplant procedure involving taking clusters of hairs (follicular units) from other areas of the body, known as donor areas. The living donor hairs are transplanted in balding and thinning areas and then grow naturally to give you a fuller look and feel.

How Does FUE Work?

Mane Image, partnering with PAI Medical Group, offers FUE for men at Mane Image's private and welcoming studio. During the FUE process, your certified PAI surgeon harvests clusters of hairs (follicular units) from the pre-identified donor region. Each donor site is about the size of a hole punch that does not leave noticeable scars, heals very quickly, and doesn't require sutures. In fact, most FUE patients heal in approximately 4-7 days.

After the FUE transplant, your new hair will continue to grow naturally, just like the rest of your natural hair (because it is your hair)! This is a fantastic option to achieve fullness, coverage, and a completely natural-looking hairline.

How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost?

The cost of a hair transplant will vary per person but will typically cost between $5,800 - $16,800. There are different factors that impact the price such as:

  • Scalp Health
  • Genetics of Hair
  • Health of Donor Area
  • Number of Procedures
  • Number of Grafts
  • Scars or Medications
  • Current Hair Follicles
  • Amount of Hair Loss

Since every transplant is unique to you and your situation, we encourage you to come in for a complimentary consultation. At that time, we can talk through your hair needs, provide a quote, and discuss financing options.