Ring in the New Year with New Hair by Mane Image!

As we approach the end of another year, it's time for a little self-reflection. What are some things you want to work on next year? What can you improve about yourself? How can you make a lasting change?

Physical appearance is a target of many new year's goals, but if hair loss is your primary concern, you may believe there's little or nothing you can do to combat its effects. Wrong! Step into the new year with the help of Mane Image and our friendly staff of trainedhair loss solution experts. We offer a variety of proven hair restoration techniques, giving you every advantage in the fight to reclaim your hair!

Below, we've outlined our specialties, how they work, and what they can do for you. So, what are you waiting for? Head into the new year with a head of new hair.

Laser Hair Growth Therapy

High-tech and highly effective,laser hair growth therapy has come a long way in recent years. Mane Image is committed to remaining on the cutting edge, providing our customers with the latest and greatest version of this safe and convenient treatment. Our low-level lasers target Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), converting it into Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) and stimulating blood circulation. This system works to reverse the miniaturization of hair follicles, providing additional nutrients and promoting full, healthy hair.     


We get asked this question a lot: what is Trichology? Trichology is the branch of dermatology that focuses on the scientific study of the scalp. You see, at Mane Image we are focused on the root of the problem, and understanding how hair growth works is critical to tackling hair loss. The first step to a full head of hair is a healthy scalp. We use trichology in conjunction with surgical hair transplants, but the principles of trichology can have huge benefits for our customers who are pursuing non-surgical options.     

Hair Restoration Systems

At Mane Image, we offer several innovative hair restoration systems. The CNC hair prosthesis system from CRLAB for men and women is one of the most effective, non-surgical solutions we offer. This system is great for both men and women experiencing hair loss. We begin with a 3D print that exactly matches your scalp. Then, virgin hair (human hair that has never been chemically treated or processed) is attached one strand at a time, ensuring that your new hair falls naturally.

For women experiencing early-stage hair loss, we also offer Micro Point. This system uses "Cyber Hair" which is attached directly to the hair already growing on your head. This method increases the density of your hair by 10 to 20 percent. Cyber Hair is easy to maintain and looks completely natural as it integrates into your existing hair.  

Wigs, Extensions, and Toppers

Some of our clients aren't ready for highly-involved or surgical approaches to tackle hair loss. That's why we also offer a wide range of wigs, extensions, and toppers - all of which are completely customizable. After a consultation, we will help you determine the color, cut, and style that suits your needs. All of our hair products are from top brands that we trust to live up to your expectations.   

Surgical Hair Restoration

If you're ready to bid hair loss goodbye, we offer great surgical solutions for hair replacement. The first is Follicular Unit Grafting (FUG), or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). This method works with the existing hair, using hair from the back or side of the scalp that is then implanted at the hairline where it will continue to grow naturally.

Another similar process is Follicular Unit Extraction. In this process, the donor hair is selected individually, ensuring that only the strongest, healthiest hairs are utilized for the procedure. Again, this hair continues to grow on its own, typically unaffected by whatever conditions initially caused hair loss in the site of restoration.

Mane Image has solutions for every level of hair loss, and we're positive we can help you meet your goals. So, greet the new year with new hair, and reclaim your confidence!

If you would like to schedule a free consultation to learn more about Mane Image and how to achieve the hair of your dreams, please contact us!