Preventing Hair Loss: A Guide for Women

Ladies, men's hair loss has been the topic of conversation long enough. All too often, women who experience thinning hair aren't sure where to turn or what to do. Sure, we all shed 50 to 100 hairs per day, but when your locks are noticeably losing their volume what's a girl to do?

At Mane Image, we know that anyone can experience hair loss, and we want you to know that there are lots of ways to prevent thinning hair and restore your hair to healthy growth. Below, we've compiled a hair loss prevention guide for women. Read on!

Avoid High Heat & Chemical Treatments

Nothing destroys your hair quite like heat, chemicals, and too much product. Heat from curling irons and blow dryers can destroy the bonds in your hair, making it brittle and dry, and prone to breakage. Additionally, harsh chemical treatments cause stress and can eventually break down the integrity of your hair. Bleaching, chemical straightening, and dyes can cause damage to the shaft and follicle, leading to hair loss. So, when all else fails, stick to this rule of thumb: don't overwork your hair.

Change Your Hairstyle

If your go-to hairstyle is a tight ponytail, you could be wearing down your hairline. The stress of a tight, pulled-back hairstyle will not only wear down the delicate hair that makes up your hairline but also put undue pressure on the hair beneath your hair tie. If you must pull your hair back, be sure to use elastics without metal connectors.     

Diet & Nutrients

Believe it or not, your diet may have an effect on the health of your hair. The state of your hair can be an indicator of your overall health, so if your diet consists of fast food and neglects fruits and veggies, you could be missing out on some very important nutrients. Make sure your diet consists of leafy greens, fish, nuts, and lean proteins. Additionally, be sure to get plenty of zinc, B2, and iron. You'll also find quite a few vitamins and supplements that are targeted at hair health. Generally, these should include zinc, biotin, Vitamin C, and niacin. 

Topical Medications & Growth Products

Hair health has gotten lots of attention in recent years. As a result, there are tons of great products designed specifically to stimulate growth by thickening and strengthening your hair. There are prescription and over-the-counter options available, along with a host of great products that we use in our own salon. We invite you to come to Mane Image so we can recommend some great products just for you and give you a quick tutorial on how to use them!

Shampoo & Scalp Massage 

Hair hygiene is a big concern, whether you're experiencing hair loss or not. While over-shampooing can lead to weak, dry hair, not shampooing often enough can lead to buildup that clogs your follicles. In both cases, you could see detrimental effects on your hair's health. A tried and tested solution is to wash your hair every other day. Additionally, consider incorporating a scalp massage to your hair care routine. This is a great way to get the blood circulating, stimulate those hair follicles, and hair regrowth. 

Follow these easy tips and kiss that thinning hair goodbye! With a few small changes, you could be well on your way to regaining your confidence and gorgeous hair. 

If you'd like further advice or need the help of our hair loss experts, please contact us! Mane Image's highly-trained staff specializes in hair restoration solutions that are personalized and discreet. Visit our website to schedule your free consultation and meet 2018 with the hair of your dreams. We can't wait to get you there!