Predicting Baldness: An Exploration of Genetics and Habits

It's a question we hear all too often: 'is it possible to predict hair loss?' Well, the answer is a little complicated. First of all, there are two types of hair loss: genetic and non-genetic.

However, we know more than we ever have, and we can predict a man's risk for baldness with far more accuracy than we have in the past. That means catching and tackling hair loss in its early stages is easier than ever and more likely to be successful.

Let's take a closer look at the factors that may help determine whether you can expect to experience hair loss.

Genetics and Hair Loss

The genetic component of hair loss is pretty complex. With 280+ independent genetic signals linked to hair loss, it's no wonder that male pattern baldness is still something of a mystery. Certainly, the knowledge scientists have uncovered will be able to identify those with the highest risk of hair loss, but since everyone's genetic makeup is different, there are some genetic patterns that may appear to predict hair loss despite being dormant.

More often than not, hair loss runs strongly in families, but (contrary to popular belief) it can be inherited from either side of your genealogy. There are at least 40 identified 'baldness genes' on the X chromosome, which is inherited from your mother. Of course, these genetic patterns are still being researched, but predicting the risk of hair loss in men can now be achieved with a fair amount of certainty.    

External Factors and Hair Loss

Genetics aren't everything when it comes to hair loss. Other predictors could include your diet, stress levels, and hygienic routine. Male pattern baldness affects about 80% of men by the age of 80, but many cases are entirely preventable. Hair loss is often a reflection of your overall health and can be triggered by extreme weight fluctuation, smoking, a diet lacking in nutrients that keep hair strong and healthy, and even changes in your hormone levels.     

What to Look For

So, hair loss may not be predictable, but determining elevated risk sure is. If you know that you could experience hair loss in the future, you're a step ahead. Watch for the first signs of hair loss so that you can pursue hair restoration solutions before your male pattern baldness becomes noticeable to the rest of the world. Here are some early warning signs to look for:

  • Excessive shedding - It is normal to shed 50-100 hairs per day, but excessive shedding could signal hair loss
  • Receding hairline - You'll notice your hair retreating from your forehead in an "M" shape 
  • Change in texture - If your hair loss is triggered by external factors, unhealthy hair may become more brittle and dry before falling out
  • General thinning - If your hair feels thinner than it used to, you may be experiencing hair loss 
  • A horseshoe pattern - As this pattern grows, it typically leaves the crown of the head exposed

If you would like to learn more about hair loss in all its varieties or schedule a free consultation, please contact us! Our team of hair and scalp experts can help you pinpoint the cause of your hair loss and develop a customized solution to achieve the hair of your dreams. Baldness is not inevitable, no matter what your genetics and habits may believe. Fight back with Mane Image by your side!