Can The Weather Actually Cause Hair Loss?

Weather can be the cause -- both directly and indirectly -- of a lot of woes in a person's everyday life. High winds can cause power outages directly by knocking branches off of trees and onto power lines. A summer heat wave can indirectly cause power "brownouts" by placing too much demand on the grid, and cold, icy weather can cause auto accidents, roof collapses and much more. You get the picture. But can weather extremes actually cause a person to lose their hair?

How Weather Affects Hair Growth

Some people think that cold weather makes their hair thinner, and they're at least partially right. Cold air is dry air, which can mean a dry scalp and brittle hair that breaks more easily. Pulling tight hats and headbands on and off day in and day out doesn't help the situation much either. But the real threat to your hair follicles isn't the cold air of winter, but rather the overheated air of summer. Research has shown that women, in particular, have higher rates of telogen -- the hair follicle's resting phase -- during the summer, and particularly during the month of July, which is when the air really starts heating up.

Higher rates of telogen can cause as much as 70 percent* of hair follicles to go into "sleep" mode, which means that this is the time of year when your hair is likely to be at its thinnest. Telogen is a natural process that occurs year-round, but it's usually only about 10 to 14 percent** of hair follicles that are in telogen at any given time, while the remainder is mostly in the anagen (active growth) phase, and a very small amount is in the exogen (shedding) phase.

Good News

The good news about weather-related hair loss is that it's usually temporary, and while you're waiting for your hair to come out of its resting state, there are concrete actions you can take to remedy the situation. For example, consider hair extensions that are meant to provide density rather than length, and removable toppers can bring fullness and vibrancy to hair that's thinner than you're comfortable with. There are also hairpieces, made from either natural or synthetic hair, and trichologists -- doctors who specialize in the science of healthy hair and scalp -- who can examine your scalp and recommend treatments and healthy hair regimes to help keep your own hair in the best shape possible year-round.

How to Get Started

There are hair loss clinics all across the country, and they're staffed with hair professionals who can assess the condition of your scalp and recommend a course of action that's tailored to your individual needs. Here in Northwestern Indiana, look no further than contacting us at Mane Image Hair, the area's premiere hair loss resource. For more than 30 years, we've been helping people just like you cope with hair loss using a multitude of state-of-the-art medical treatments and cosmetic options. In other words, there's simply no good reason to "put up with" thinning hair even bald patches -- no matter what's causing the problem! You'll get a free consultation and a plan that's tailored to your individual needs and circumstances. We've even got convenient financing options so the cost of your treatment doesn't have to come out of your wallet or your checkbook all at once.

Over the years, we've helped thousands of men and women find real solutions to their hair loss problems, helping to educate them about hair loss and ways to prevent it, as well as showing them first-hand that hair loss doesn't have to change the way you look forever! Today, there are options galore! Why not come in and hear about them for yourself? You've got nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain!