Thyroid Disease and Hair Loss

Hair loss: it's not just a matter of predetermined genetics. At Mane Image, we've seen all types of hair loss and worked with clients experiencing hair loss at every stage of life. We know that hair loss can be triggered by a whole slew of surprising underlying factors, and it's our mission to share our knowledge with our clients. Today, we'll be taking a closer look at how thyroid diseases can cause hair loss.

Thyroid Disease: The Basics

So, thyroid disease. It seems like everyone is talking about it, but what exactly is it? Thyroid diseases are associated with any malfunction of the thyroid gland. This can mean an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), and, conversely, an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). Thyroid disease can also be a result of structural abnormalities and tumors, though these are not as common. 

The thyroid gland is located in the neck, just below the Adam's apple, and is described as being "grape-like" in size. A healthy thyroid produces hormones that assist the body in regulating all metabolic processes and protein synthesis. An overactive or underactive thyroid causes chaos by over-producing or under-producing these hormones, creating an imbalance in the body. Though thyroid diseases are accompanied by a variety of symptoms, they can be difficult to pin down. Let's take a look at some of the common signs that your thyroid isn't working properly.   

Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

Thyroid diseases wreak havoc on your body; plain and simple. From weight gain and fatigue to moodiness and hair loss, that tiny thyroid can cause a mess of issues. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have quite a few common symptoms, but they can be quite subtle. Look out for a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Thinning hair and hair loss 
  • Unexplained fluctuations in mood including irritability, anxiety, and depression
  • Sudden weight gain or weight loss 
  • Dry skin 
  • Brittle nails 
  • Changes in energy (i.e., lethargy, insomnia, jitteriness, or excessive sleeping)
  • Inability to adapt to changes in temperature  

Thyroid Disease, Hormonal Imbalance, and Hair Loss

So, thyroid disease obviously causes a lot of changes in the body, but why hair loss? Well, believe it or not, the hair's growth cycle depends on the proper production of thyroid hormones. When too much or too little is produced, your natural growth cycle is disrupted. At any given time during a healthy growth cycle, 6-8% of your hair is in a resting phase called telogen. When the cycle is stopped or thrown off its natural pattern by an imbalance of thyroid hormones too many follicles could end up at rest, causing thinning hair and hair loss. Essentially, your follicles are confused into taking a prolonged nap.

Typically, overproduction of thyroid hormones causes hair to become fine and thin, while underproduction is associated with noticeable hair loss and patchiness. It should be noted that both thyroid disease and hair loss are completely treatable, so be sure to talk to your doctor about managing your thyroid, and your Mane Image specialist for the best hair loss solutions.    

It's amazing how a tiny thing like your thyroid can throw off the balance of your entire body, but there is always hope! Knowing how and why it affects your body (and your hair) is the first step to taking control and fighting back. Come visit us at Mane Image and let us create the perfect customized solution to tackle your hair loss. We'll help you determine the cause of your hair loss and craft the perfect treatment plan based on your needs. Please contact us today, for a free consultation with one of our friendly hair loss experts! We can't wait to help you get your hair back on track.