WGN News - Featuring New Technology at Mane Image

See our very own Leslie Robinson, owner of Mane Image Hair & Laser, featured on WGN News for her great work with the CRLAB Hair Prosthesis. Technology is constantly changing and that stays true into the hair restoration industry. The CRLAB is a cutting edge hair restoration system manufactured piece by piece in Bologna, Italy.

As hair loss can affect both men and women, Leslie was determined to find something that was an easier and finer solution for all of her clients. The CNC Hair System is designed using a 3-D printer, after a fitting of the client's head for proper diameter and retreiving hair samples for texture, color and curl. The hair system created, is made of 100% virgin hair, so none if it has been chemically treated. The CNC Hair System is created by hand, hair by hair into an adhesive strip. These are strong enough to withstand any exercise, swimming, shampooing, and any other activity! Some of Leslie's client's have used it as a temporary solution and once the client's hair has grown back, they still continue wearing the CNC Hair System, because they like it so much!


WGN News - Featuring New Technology at Mane Image


Call Leslie and the Mane Image staff for a free consultation today!