The Truth About Hats, Helmets, and Hair Loss.

For years we have heard that wearing a hat or helmet on a regular basis can cause hair loss. Some people will avoid wearing of head gear of any kind because they believe this to be true. Let's talk about this belief, covering the facts as well as the myths about this commonly referenced phenomenon.

The most common reason that people attribute hats to cause hair loss is oxygen. Many believe that wearing headgear on a regular basis prevents the scalp from “breathing” and that the hair follicles suffer as a result of this. The truth is that hair follicles are in no way dependent on external oxygen for hair growth. Hair gets it’s oxygen from the blood.

Another contributing factor to this myth is the tendency to try to hide hair loss with head coverings. So, someone is losing their hair, at the first signs of this, they start to wear a hat, the hair loss continues, and they associate it with the hat, when in actuality they are not connected. When we see bald men wearing hats, another visual association is made, thus feeding the myth.

Now that we have covered the misconceptions about hats and helmets, let’s look at the facts. There are a couple of real dangers when wearing head coverings that can lead to hair loss. The first is circulation. As stated above, hair follicles get what they need through the blood. If the blood flow is not optimal then the follicle can suffer thus leading to issues with hair loss. So, if you are wearing your hat or helmet too tight, there indeed can be a problem. This holds true for women that style their hair in overly tight styles as well.

Another way wearing head gear can cause hair loss is infection. If your scalp becomes infected then so do your hair follicles, and that can lead to hair loss. What does this have to do with hats or helmets you might ask? Well, if you wear the same hat or helmet over and over, it is bound to get coated in sweat and oil from everyday excretions. So it can become dirty if it is not properly cared for. Wearing a dirty head covering can and will lead to infections that can damage the hair follicles and contribute to hair loss.

Finally, the simple act of putting on or removing the head gear too harshly or quickly can actually pull your hair out. If this is done over and over in the same way there can be hair loss from the repetition. This is especially true for those people that have thinning hair.

So how can one wear their favorite hats, helmets and other head coverings without the fear of hair loss? First, be gentle. No need to yank your hat on and off. Use a delicate touch and gently situate it where it is comfortable for you.

Additionally, you should keep your head coverings as clean as possible. Wash the surface that touches your head at least once a week. Obviously, you cannot toss your helmet into the washing machine so use a damp cloth with an antibacterial soap and you should be safe. You can cut down the need for frequent washing by first covering your head with a clean handkerchief or cloth as well.

No matter what precautions are taken, hair loss is sometimes a fact. Just because it is a fact, it does not mean you have to accept it. At Mane Image, we can address almost all causes of hair loss. Additionally, we offer many other services for hair, skin, and beauty. A family owned and operated business since 1987, our mission is for people who leave Mane Image to do so feeling not only great about themselves, but truly empowered!

Many of our staff members are clients as well as employees. So contact us today to learn more about our empowering, affordable, and client-centered approach to hair replacement.