How to Grow Full, Healthy Eyebrows

It’s easy to take your eyebrows for granted—that is, until you start to lose them. As we grow older, and our hair starts to thin, it’s not uncommon to notice the eyebrows become much less full than they used to be. The good news is that you don’t have to accept this. There are proactive steps you can take to make your eyebrows fuller, thicker, healthier—and we’ll list a few of them in the paragraphs that follow.

Our Tips for Growing Fuller Eyebrows

Here are just a few ways to boost the health of your eyebrows.

Try Castor Oil

You can file this one under old wives’ tales, as this home remedy has been around forever. Of course, it’s lasted this long for a reason: The castor oil trick really can work at promoting new hair growth, and that includes new growth along the eyebrows. Get some castor oil at any pharmacy, and apply just a few drops to your fingertip. Then rub that castor oil into the area where you want to grow more hair. You could very well see some results from this, though likely not for a month or so; hang in there, be patient, and apply the castor oil once per day.

Use Coconut Oil

Organic coconut oil can also be used to stimulate eyebrow growth. As with our previous tip, you just need to buy a little bit, apply a few drops to your finger, then rub it into the area where you want hair to grow. Do this right before bed, and let the oil sit overnight; in the morning, simply wash it off. Again, you’ll need to do this daily for a handful of weeks before you see real results.

Drink More Water

No, really—proper hydration is essential for hair growth, and can help keep the hair all over your body thicker and healthier. If you feel like your hair isn’t as long or as lustrous as it used to be—and that includes your eyebrow hair—then you might consider simply drinking more water each day. It certainly can’t hurt.

Eat Better

Similarly, proper nutrient intake can promote healthy hair growth, even eyebrow hair. We recommend upping your Vitamin D and Vitamin B intake, in particular—and if you’re not sure how to get more of these nutrients in your diet, you can always invest in some supplements.

Learn More About Growing Healthy Hair

No matter your specific hair needs—whether it’s eyebrow loss or full hair replacement—Mane Image can walk you through some solutions. Learn more by coming in for a consultation with a Mane Image stylist.