How Coconut Oil is Beneficial for Hair Growth, Health and Hair Loss Prevention

By now, we have surely all heard about the coconut oil trend. It seems that coconut oil is recommended for just about everything, from making our fingernails stronger to keeping our skin looking as youthful as possible.

Many people use coconut oil on their hair religiously and for several reasons. It has been said that coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer, and hair will be shiny and well-conditioned as a result. It has also been said that coconut oil goes a long way in the prevention of breakage, thus causing hair to look healthier and reduce breakage. Let's take a look at the reasons that coconut oil is so often used on the hair, and if these reasons can be beneficial.

Coconut Oil For Hair Growth

Many people desire to have long, lustrous hair. It can be frustrating when you look in the mirror and feel that your hair just isn't growing quickly enough. They rely on coconut oil since the claim is that it will cause the hair to grow faster. Coconut oil contains vitamins E and K, as well as iron, which are excellent for hair growth and regrowth. It is these nutrients, in addition to the antioxidants found in coconut oil that are responsible for stimulating hair growth.

Hair Health and Coconut Oil

Healthy hair equals beautiful hair. However, will applying coconut oil to the hair result in great hair health? It will prevent damage that is often done to the hair by excessive use of heat when styling, and environmental factors. It will also help to prevent the loss of protein in the hair, allowing each strand to remain strong and healthy. This is due to the fact that the coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft, moisturizing and protecting it from the inside out.

Coconut Oil For Hair Loss Prevention

This may be one of the most common reasons that people use coconut oil on their hair. Keep in mind that male and female pattern baldness is not caused by a lack of protein in the hair, so coconut oil will not prevent this from happening. However, since coconut oil helps the hair to retain strong, less breakage occurs, and hair remains fuller and thicker. The nutrients are absorbed by the hair follicles so that they benefit from the loss prevention properties.

By massaging the scalp with coconut oil, you can increase the blood circulation to the scalp, which also helps with hair loss prevention. It helps to keep the scalp well-moisturized, further preventing the hair from falling out.

While all of these benefits that coconut oil offers are wonderful for our hair, the truth is that many people still experience hair loss. At Mane Image Hair, we offer several solutions for both men and women that are easy, effective, and look completely natural. Our options have helped many people look their best and regain their confidence. We offer men's hair restoration systems, such as CNC Hair Prosthesis, as well as options such as surgical hair restorations including transplants. Our effective options for women include Preventative trichological treatments, and also CNC custom 3D printed prosthesis. Many women also consider our wigs, toppers, and extensions for hair loss. We offer surgical hair restoration for women that is great for those who experience hair loss.

At Mane Image Hair, we realize that hair loss is personal. We also realize that everyone has different needs. As such, we offer free individualized, private consultations to discuss your specific needs and find the solution that is right for you. Satisfaction is our main priority for each client that we serve. If you are experiencing hair loss and would like to discuss your options, contact us today.