Are You a Woman with a “Widow’s Peak?” Are You Concerned about How You Look Due to Thinning Hair?

Many women (men too!) experience what's called a "widow's peak." It's a V-shaped point in the hairline at the center of the forehead. Technically speaking, it means that hair growth in that area is suppressed in a bilateral pair of periorbital fields.

Now you know!

It's all about the hairline. A woman may like her hairline but many women with a widow's peak would prefer a straight hairline. There is no clear evidence about the cause of a widow's peak: the medical community does not know if it's caused by genetics; there's no published evidence to suggest that a widow's peak has a genetic cause.

It's important to understand that a qualified hair replacement surgeon can provide advice about the best way to deal with a widow's peak. It's easily corrected with hair transplantation to the bald or thinning area. You can choose the hairline you'd like to have and the hair replacement specialist can show you how this can work—and look. If you elect to go with hair replacement surgery, the doctor will place hairs into the "new" areas. Your hair will grow back naturally and look natural and normal.

When you're interested in hair replacement options or have additional questions, schedule a complimentary scalp analysis at Mane Image.