5 Women’s Hair Loss Solutions That Really Work

Many women enjoy talking about their hair, styling their hair, coloring and cutting it—in general, having fun with it. Their hair is something they are proud of, and rightfully so. Not many women ever think about losing it, yet that’s something that can happen. The question is, what can be done about it? And the answers, thankfully, are many.

Contrary to what many women still believe, hair loss is not something you just have to live with. There are several hair loss solutions that really work, and we proudly offer the most effective ones here at Mane Image. Allow us to show you what we are talking about.

Hair Loss Solutions That Are Safe and Effective

Here are just five approaches to hair loss that can offer real results; maybe one of them is the ideal solution for you and your needs.

Laser Hair Growth Therapy

Low-level laser light for hair can actually stimulate blood flow to your hair follicles, and in some cases promote new growth; this can be an especially effective solution when it is used in conjunction with topical solutions, and of course it is painless and safe.

Topical Solutions

Speaking of which, we also recommend that women faced with hair loss consider topical hair solutions, which can help to safely and effectively regrow hair or thicken what you have on your head. At Mane Image, we carry trusted, proven topical brands.

Hair Systems

Hair restoration systems represent the most seamless and elegant way to replace lost hair, giving you a totally natural look that is indistinguishable from “normal,” growing hair. The system we recommend the most is CNC Hair Prosthesis from CRLAB.

Surgical Hair Solutions

Some women make good candidates for surgical hair replacement, which has certainly come a long way in recent years, and offers a safe, lasting solution to hair loss. We offer surgical products of several different types, all performed by an in-house surgeon.

Wigs, Toppers, and Extensions

Meanwhile, some women may be looking for something that is a little less permanent or a little less intrusive—and for these women, we offer a range of custom wigs, toppers, and extensions, all of which can help you to conceal the effects of thinning hair.

Discover Hair Loss Solutions That Really Work

Which hair loss solution is the best one for addressing your particular needs? The best way to find out is to meet with one of our stylists and receive a full, one-on-one evaluation and a set of hair solution recommendations. We offer this as a complimentary service, and invite you to come discover hair loss solutions that really work. Join us at Mane Image today!