What is Trichotillomania

Hair is an integral part of who we are and how other people see us. Our hair is often an extension of our personality and lifestyle, a way for us to express who we are to others even before they know us.

Hair loss and thinning hair affect millions of men and women, and the psychological effects of thinning hair can be devastating, causing a lack of self-confidence and lowered self-esteem. Medications, vitamin regimens or deficiencies, traumatic events, and even stress can all contribute to thinning hair and hair loss in both men and women. One medical condition that can cause hair loss is Trichotillomania.

What is Trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania is a mental disorder characterized by the repeated pulling out of hair typically from the scalp but often from other areas of the body. People with the disorder often feel a sense of tension before pulling out hair, or when they attempt to resist the urge and a feeling of pleasure or relief after.

Pulling hair from the scalp frequently leaves patchy, bald spots, causing significant distress and interfering with normal daily social functioning. For some men and women, the disorder may be mild and manageable while others find the urge to be overwhelming.

Symptoms of Trichotillomania

Those with Trichotillomania often have a noticeable loss of hair such as thinned or bald areas. Specific rituals or patterns frequently accompany their hair-pulling incidents and may include chewing or eating pulled-out hair, or playing with it by rubbing it across the lips or face.

Trichotillomania may cause significant distress or difficulties at work, school, or social situations related to pulling out hair, and the desire to stop or lessen the frequency is usually unsuccessful.

Many people with Trichotillomania also bite their nails, chew their lips, or pick at their skin. They may find some relief by pulling hairs from pets or dolls or even threads from clothes or blankets. The hair-pulling usually occurs in private in an attempt to hide the condition from others.

Hair pulling can be focused or automatic. Focused hair pulling is done intentionally to relieve tension or distress, and often involves elaborate rituals, such as finding just the right hair. Automatic hair pulling causes people to unconsciously pull out their hair without even realizing that they are doing it.

Some people experience both focused and automatic hair pulling, depending on the situation. Certain positions or rituals such as resting your head on your hand, brushing your hair, reading a book, or watching television may trigger hair pulling.

Trichotillomania is an emotional response for many people. It may be a way to deal with negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, tension, boredom, loneliness, fatigue, or frustration. The need for positive feelings may also trigger it, providing a measure of relief or satisfaction after pulling out hair and causing them to continue the hair-pulling to maintain these positive feelings.

Trichotillomania is a chronic disorder, and without proper treatment, symptoms often worsen over time. Left untreated symptoms may come and go for weeks, months, or years at a time, and the disorder rarely ends within a few years of starting. Trichotillomania is a mental health disorder that is unlikely to get better without treatment.

Getting Help

Often thought of as a bad habit, Trichotillomania is more common than you might imagine and is a complex disorder that can do long-term damage to hair and the scalp. If it is difficult or impossible to stop pulling out your hair, or you feel embarrassed as a result of your hair pulling, it is vital to seek treatment.

While trichotillomania is a serious and complex disease, at Mane Image, we have treatment options to help. Our hair loss specialists will create a custom solution to help with your hair loss regardless of the cause. We offer hair restoration systems as well as hair extensions and custom-crafted wigs and toppers.

To learn more about Trichotillomania treatments, other conditions that may cause hair loss, and available treatments and options, contact us today to schedule a consultation.