Signs It Might Be Time to Get Help with Your Hair Loss

Millions of people experience scalp and hair issues at some point in their life. Thinning hair and hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, and hair and scalp conditions affect individuals differently. The early stages of hair and scalp conditions may go unnoticed, but there are some common, subtle signs that it might be time to get help with your hair loss.

While in some cases, hair loss occurs suddenly, thinning hair and hair loss is often an issue that develops over time. Most hair and scalp issues arise gradually, progressing over a period of months or even years. Regardless of your specific situation, determining the cause of your thinning hair or hair loss is critical to getting help with your hair loss.

Sudden Hair Loss

Hair loss that occurs suddenly is often a response to a sudden change in the body. A severe physical or emotional shock, increasing or high levels of stress, and many medical conditions and treatments can sometimes cause a sudden loss of hair. Symptoms of sudden hair loss include clumps of hair that fall out when you comb or brush your hair, a bald strip or patch that appears, or most or all of the hair falling out.

Hair Loss During Your Normal Hair Routine

Some hair loss is a normal part of the natural hair growth cycle. It's normal for a person with a healthy head of hair to lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair daily. As the hair follicle begins to produce a new strand of hair, the existing strand dislodges and eventually falls free. This normal hair loss accounts for the hair you find on your pillow, comb, brush, or the shower drain when you wash your hair.

The health of your hair is directly related to the health of your scalp and hair follicles. Hair follicles that become damaged may produce weaker strands of hair that break easily. One of the earliest symptoms of thinning hair and hair loss is an increase in loose strands of hair. If you are beginning to notice more loose hair during your regular hair routine, a consultation with an hair loss expert will help to determine if an issue exists and, if so, finding the best solutions for you.

Changing Hairline and Gradual Thinning

Many scalp and hair issues are due to unhealthy or damaged hair follicles. An interruption of the hair's natural growth cycle may show up in several ways and target specific areas of the scalp. Many men first recognize that they may have an issue with hair loss when they notice their hairline is beginning to recede or someone points out a slowly growing bald spot at the head's crown. Women typically notice a subtle decrease in the volume and thickness of their hair. They may notice that their ponytail seems thinner or that your part is widening.

We Want to Help

While many early signs of hair loss conditions are subtle, they are noticeable. If you are concerned with changes to your hair or are experiencing thinning hair or hair loss at any stage, the first step to finding a solution is to schedule your FREE initial consultation with the experts at Mane Image. Our staff can help you determine if you are experiencing hair loss, what is causing it, and help you find a solution that meets your needs.