Does Losing Weight Trigger Hair Loss?

It's normal to shed some hair; the average person typically loses 100 to 150 strands of hair daily. However, if you're noticing increased shedding, you're probably wondering why.

Hair loss can have a wide range of causes, including weight loss. However, the good news is that hair loss caused by weight loss is usually temporary. As long as you're eating a healthy, well-balanced diet with plenty of nutrients, hair will usually grow back normally once your body adjusts to the weight loss.

Crash Diets and Restrictive Diets

Weight loss can affect hair growth in several ways. Crash diets and restrictive dieting that eliminate entire food groups can restrict the nutrients your body has available to convert into energy.

When the body lacks nutrition, vitamins and minerals are diverted from less essential systems, like hair growth, to vital bodily functions, leading to thinning hair and hair loss. If you follow a diet that involves eating very few calories, your body may not receive the nutrients it needs to maintain bodily functions. When your body doesn't get the nutritional requirements it needs, side effects like hair loss are common.

In addition, restrictive diets often place significant stress on your body, which can also lead to hair loss conditions. Sudden weight loss can lead to a hair loss condition called telogen effluvium, which is triggered by a significant shock or stress to the body, which can include sudden weight loss. The stress and shock to the body caused by rapid weight loss can interfere with your hair's natural growth cycle and push more hairs into the resting, or 'telogen' phase, leading to increased hair loss.

The relationship between sudden weight loss and hair loss is well documented. Rapid weight loss, calorie restriction, nutrient deficiencies, and psychological stress are all associated with crash dieting and restrictive diets and can cause hair loss.

Low Protein Diets

Protein is an essential nutrient your body needs to repair, grow, and develop cells. Protein is essential to maintain various bodily functions, including healthy hair growth.

Your body breaks protein down into amino acids, which produce proteins such as keratin, the main structural component of hair. When your body doesn't get enough protein, it can lead to a protein deficiency that results in hair loss.

Your body doesn't store protein, so it relies on a steady daily supply from your diet. Research has shown that protein deficits can lead to deficiencies of specific amino acids, such as histidine, leucine, and cysteine, which are common in people with hair loss.

Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery alters the shape and function of the digestive system. For many people, it is an effective solution for losing weight and managing medical conditions related to obesity.

In addition to reducing stomach capacity, some weight loss surgeries allow food to bypass part of the intestines. Unfortunately, this can lead to difficulty in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, increasing the risk of nutritional deficiencies. The rapid weight loss caused by this surgery can cause protein, vitamin, and mineral deficiencies, commonly leading to hair loss.

When To Get Help From a Professional

It's important to remember to talk to your doctor if you're not trying to lose weight but are unexpectedly shedding pounds and experiencing hair loss simultaneously. Unexpected weight loss accompanied by thinning hair or hair loss may be due to an underlying medical condition, such as an overactive or underactive thyroid.

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy body. However, rapid weight loss can cause hair loss, so taking precautions is vital if you're starting a new diet.

Maintaining a full head of thick, luscious locks can be challenging, especially if you are experiencing weight loss. At Mane Image, our hair experts can put together a personalized plan for you – from surgical solutions for men and women, hair restoration systems, toppers, and more. To learn more about how diet affects hair growth and how to prevent hair loss while losing weight, contact us today and schedule your FREE initial consultation.